Project Title: Number Story Collage 
Medium: Collage and Drawing – Narrative Project
Grade Theme: Animals

Overview: Students will choose 10 shapes to make a collage of drawn animals in groups in their respective environments
Art Skills: Collage, drawing, color theory
Process: Students will glue a half sheet of construction paper onto the edge of a full sheet to create a landscape.  They will then choose 10 paper shapes from piles on the table and place them in matching groups in different areas of the landscape. After they are checked, they will glue them down.  They will draw around and in the shapes, to make animals (all circles must be the same animal, all squares must be the same animal, etc., so that they are groups of like animals)
Materials: Construction paper, paper shapes, markers
Tools Provided by Classroom: pencils, scissors, glue
Vocabulary: Animal groupings (flock, school, herd, etc. see attached) landscape, habitat
Additional Resource: Link to Art History and Connection
Multiple Subject Integration: math, algebra, grouping, ways of showing 10

*Please note that samples were made by teaching artists.  Students will be encouraged to make their own versions of this project. Please DO NOT show students these samples in advance of the art lesson.

*These projects are designed to work with math stories about ways of showing ten.

Description Summary: Today students had a special art lesson making animal group collages that show different ways of making ten.