Doubling it up!
This past month Ms. Rosie's students were introduced to the ideas of multiplicity and exponential growth. For many of our kindergartners, first graders, and second graders this was the first time they have tackled these topics.
The concept was introduced by reading students the story "One Grain of Rice." In the story a raja asks a girl what her reward for a good act should be and she responds that she wants one grain of rice. The raja insists that she ask for more and she responds;
Today, you will give me a single grain of rice. Then, each day for thirty days you will give me double the rice you gave me the day before. Thus, tomorrow you will give me two grains of rice, the next day four grains of rice, and so on for thirty day.
Ms. Rosie then illustrated how the number would quickly double and double and double on the board. Students were amazed by the idea of exponential growth and created their own books where tiny copies of themselves clone on and on and on!